Scientific Paper (Ranking "A")
– Dulau V, Estrade V, Bein A, Nikolic N, Fajeau A, Gancille J-M, Martin J, Leroy E, Philippe J-S. 2024. Chapter Three – Records from visual surveys, strandings and eDNA sampling reveal the regular use of Reunion waters by dwarf sperm whales. Advances in Marine Biology, Academic Press, Volume 99, Pages 65-97, ISSN 0065-2881, ISBN 9780443297205,
– Delord C, Arnaud-Haond S, Leone A, Rolland J, Nikolic N. 2024. Unraveling the complexity of the Ne/Nc ratio for conservation of large and widespread pelagic fish species: current status and challenges. Evolutionary Applications, Special Issue. 17:e70020
– Leone A, Arnaud-Haond S, Babbuccic M, Bargellonic L, Cosciad I, Damalase D, Delord C, Franch R, Garibaldi F, Macias D, Mariani S, Martinsohn J, Megalofonou P, Micarellil P, Nikolic N, Prodöhln PA, Speroneo E, Stagionip M, Zanzie A, Cariani A, Tintin F. 2024. Population genomics of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, reveals different populations in the Mediterranean Sea and the North East Atlantic. Evolutionary Applications.
– Teixeira H, Le Corre M, Michon L, Malcolm A.C.N, Jaeger A, Nikolic N et al. 2024. Past volcanic activity predisposes an endemic threatened seabird to negative anthropogenic impacts. Nature Sci Rep 14, 1960.
– Labonne M, Darnaude AM, Fily T, Petit C, Nikolic N, Parker D, Norman SJ, Clear N, Farley J, Eveson JP, et al. 2024. New insights in lifetime migrations of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga, Bonnaterre, 1788) between the southwest Indian and the southeast Atlantic Oceans using otolith microchemistry. Fishes 2024, 9, 38.
– Lopez J, Nikolic N, Riethmuller M, Dubos J, Pinet P, Souharce P, Couzi F-X, Le Corre M, Jaeger A, Humeau L. 2021. High genetic diversity and no inbreeding but drastic bottleneck in one of the world’s most endangered long-lived seabirds, the Mascarene petrel (Pseudobulweria aterrima), endemic to Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). IBIS.
– Nikolic N, Montes I, Lalire M, Puech A, Bodin N, Arnaud-Haong S, Corse E, Kerwath S, Gaspar P, Hollanda SJ, Bourjea J, West W, Bonhommeau S. 2020. Connectivity and population structure of albacore tuna across southeast Atlantic and western Indian Oceans with multidisciplinary methodology. Nature Research Journal. Scientific Reports. 10, 15657.
– Dhurmeea Z, Pethybridge H, Langlais C, Somes CJ, Nikolic N, Bourjea J, Appadoo C, Bodin N. 2020. Spatial variation in stable isotopes and fatty acid trophic markers in albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from the western Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I. 161. 103286
– Romanov E, Nikolic N, et al. 2020. Trophic ecology of albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga in the western tropical Indian Ocean and adjacent waters. Marine and Freshwater Research. 71, 1517–1542
– Nikolic N, Thompson P, DeBruy M, Macé M, Chevalet C. 2020. Evolutionary history of a Scottish harbour seal population. Peer J. 8: e9167. doi: 10.7717/peerj.9167
– Nikolic N, Lauretta M, Patucca A, Morandeau G. 2018. Characterization and standardization of the Atlantic albacore French trawl fishery. Aquatic Living Resources, 31(27).
– Parra G, Cagnazzi D, Jedensjö M, Ackermann C, Frere C, Seddon J, Nikolic N, Krützen M. 2018. Low genetic diversity, limited gene flow and widespread genetic bottleneck effects in a threatened dolphin species, the Australian humpback dolphin. 2018. Biological Conservation, 220, 192-200.
– Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Dominique A, Bodin N, Bruzac S, Crochet S, Degroote M, Hollanda SJ, Hubert C, Knoery J, Munschy C, Puech A, Rozuel E, Thomas B, West W, Bourjea J, Nikolic N. 2017. Chemical contaminants (trace metals, persistent organic pollutants) in albacore tuna from western Indian and south-eastern Atlantic Oceans: Trophic influence and potential as tracers of populations. Science Of The Total Environment, 596-597:481-495.
– Dhurmeea Z, Zudaire I, Chassot E, Cedras M, Nikolic N, Bourjea J, West W, Appadoo C, Bodin N. 2016. Reproductive Biology of Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Western Indian Ocean. PLoS ONE 11(12).
– Nikolic N, Morandeau G, Hoarau L, West W, Arrizabalaga H, Hoyle S, Nicol S, Bourjea J, Puech A, Farley JH, Williams J, Fonteneau A. 2017. Review of albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, biology, fisheries and management. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 1-36.
– Munschy C, Bodin N, Potier M, Héas-Moisan K, Pollono C, Degroote M, West W, Hollanda SJ, Puech A, Bourjea J, Nikolic N. 2016. Persistent organic pollutants in Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from Reunion Island (Southwest Indian Ocean) and South Africa in relation to biological and trophic characteristics. Environmental Research.
– Nikolic N, Duthoy S, Destombes A, Bodin N, West W, Puech A, Bourjea J. 2015. Discovery of genome-wide microsatellite markers in Scombridae: a pilot study on albacore tuna. Plos One. 10(11): e0141830.
– Nikolic N, Marc J, Fonteneau A, Evanno H, Verrez-Bagnis V. 2015. Identification of skipjack tuna juveniles based on DNA control region sequences and potential spawning area around Reunion Island. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
– Nikolic N, Dimeet J, Salaun M, Fifas S, Ravard D, Fauconnet L, Rochet M-J. 2015. Efficacy of selective devices in reducing discards in the Nephrops trawl fishery in the Bay of Biscay. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
– Nikolic N, Chevalet C. 2014. Detecting past changes of effective population size. Evolutionary Applications, 7(6), 663–681.
– Catchpole T, Feekings J, Madsen N, Palialexis A, Vassilopoulou V, Garcia T, Nikolic N, Rochet MJ. 2014. Using inferred drivers of discarding behaviour to evaluate discard mitigation measures. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(5), 1277-1285.
– Perrier C, Guyomard R, Baglinière JL, Nikolic N, Evanno G. 2013. Changes in the genetic structure of Atlantic salmon populations over four decades reveal substantial impacts of stocking and potential resiliency. Ecology And Evolution, 3(7), 2334-2349.
– Nikolic N, Bagliniere JL, Rigaud C, Gardes C, Masquilier ML, Taverny C. 2011. Bibliometric analysis of diadromous fish research from 1970s to 2010: a case study of seven species. Scientometrics, 88(3), 929-947.
– Nikolic N, Butler JRA, Baglinière JL, Laughton R, McmynIain AG, Chevalet C. 2009. An examination of genetic diversity and effective population size in Atlantic salmon populations. Genetics Research, 91(6), 395-412.
– Nikolic N, Park YS, Sancristobal M, Lek S, Chevalet C. 2009. What do artificial neural networks tell us about the genetic structure of populations? The example of European pig populations. Genetics Research, 91(2), 121-132.
– Nikolic N, Feve K, Chevalet C, Hoyheim B, Riquet J. 2009. A set of 37 microsatellite DNA markers for genetic diversity and structure analysis of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, populations. Journal Of Fish Biology, 74(2), 458-466.
Working papers
– Labonne M, Darnaude AM, Fily T, Petit C, Médieu A, Pernak M, Nikolic N, Clear N, Farley J, Eveson P, Davies C, Marsac F. 2022. Investigating natal origins and trans-oceanic migrations in albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from the southwest Indian Ocean using otolith chemistry. 8ème Groupe de travail sur les thons tempérés (GTTTm). Réunion de préparation des données. 13-15 avril 2022, Virtual. OTC-2022-WPTmT08(DP)-18. 17p.
– Nikolic N, et al. 2020. Genome scans discriminate independent populations of the blue shark Prionace glauca. GT IOTC. 16th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch (WPEB16). IOTC-2020-WPEB16-14
– Díaz-Arce N, Grewe P, Krug I, Artetxe I, Ruiz J, Nikolic N, et al. 2020. Evidence of connectivity of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) throughout the Indian Ocean inferred from genome-wide genetic markers. IOTC-2020-WPTT22(AS)-16
– Rodríguez-Ezpeleta N, Artetxe-Arrate I, Mendibil I, DíazArce N, Krug N, Ruiz J, Nikolic N, et al. 2020. Co-occurrence of genetically isolated groups of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) within the Indian Ocean. IOTC-2020-WPTT22(AS)-07
– Dhurmeea Z, Chassot E, Augustin E, Assan C, Nikolic N, Bourjea J, West W, Appadoo C, Bodin N. 2016. Morphometrics of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Western Indian Ocean. IOTC-2016-WPTmT06-28
– Dhurmeea Z, Zudaire I, Chassot E, Cedras M, Nikolic N, Bourjea J, West W, Appadoo C, Bodin N. 2016. Reproductive biology of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Western Indian Ocean. IOTC-2016-WPTmT06-27
– Nikolic N, Fonteneau A, Hoarau L, Morandeau G, Puech A, Bourjea J (2014). Short review on biology, structure, and migration of Thunnus alalunga in the Indian Ocean. IOTC–2014–WPTmT05–13
– R. Coelho, Nikolic N, Evano H, Santos MN, Bourjea J. 2014. Reunion Island pelagic longline fishery characterization and standardization of albacore catch rates. IOTC–2014–WPTmT05–12
– Nikolic N, Bourjea J. 2013. Differentiation of albacore stock: review by oceanic regions. ICCAT Publication. SCRS-2013-126
– Nikolic N, Bourjea J. 2012. Analysis of the genetic structure and life history of albacore tuna in terms of diversity, abundance and migratory range at the spatial and time scales: Project GERMON (GEneticstRucture and Migration Of albacore tuNa). Indian Ocean Tuna Commission – IOTC 15th Scientific Committee.
– Jacques P, Maman S, Debruyne R, Ephrem B, Manicki A, Sternberg M, Rognon G, Ransan L, Bellanger C, Chat J, Béarez P, Nikolic N. 2024. Decoding ancient genomes: Genomics approaches and innovative species recognition pipeline for diadromous fish. The 20th Portugaliæ Genetica: DNA – Ancient and New. March 2023, Porto, Portugal.
– Nikolic N, Desbonnes O, Inçaby L, Plouzeau F, Corse E, Bellemain E, Crochelet E. 2023. Projet IRRAE : Inventaire des Raies et des Requins autour de La Réunion à partir d’analyses d’ADN environnemental avec approche Ecosystémique. Fête de la Science Récif en fête. Novembre 2023. La Réunion. (Source).
– Crochelet E, Nazurally N, Incaby L, Desbones L, Bertrand Geoffrey, Nikolic N. 2022. Elasmobranchs survey in the Mascarene Archipelago (La Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues): creation of an observatory to improve scientific knowledge. WIOMSA. Octobre 2022. South Africa.
– Nikolic N, Corse E, Juillet N. Ichtyological diversity in a tropical nature reserve (Etang de Saint-Paul, Réunion Island) from environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. 2021. DNAQUA International Conference. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Crochelet E. Qu’est-ce que la génétique ? Novembre 2018. Fête de la Science. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Crochelet E, Corse E, Feyte P, Verlinden N. L’ADN environnemental : résultats d’études à la Réunion en milieu marin (mammifères marins) et en eau douce (poissons d’eau douce). Novembre 2018. Fête de la Science. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Feyte P, Verlinden N. Un outil génétique innovant : l’ADN environnemental. Juin 2018. Journée de la mer.
– Romanov E, West W, Dhurmeea Z, Bodin N, Puech A, Hollanda S, Norman S, Nikolic N, Bourjea J, Potier M. Trohic ecology of albacore tuna. November 2017. WIOMSA.
– Nikolic N, Bourjea J. Review and cartography of scientific literature on Thunnus alalunga. WIOMSA, Maputo. October-November 2013. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Baglinière J-L, Taverny C, Rigaud C. Bibliometric analysis of Salmon, Trout, Shad, Eel and Lamprey research. NoWPaS. Gotein-Libarrenx. March 2011. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Chevalet C. VarEff (Variation of Effective size) : Modèle d’estimation de l’évolution de la taille efficace, Ecologie 2010, Montpellier. September 2010. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Park Y-S, SanCristobal M, Lek S, Chevalet C. What do Artificial Neural Networks tell us about the genetic structure of populations? The example of European Pig populations. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Barcelone. August 2009. (Source).
– Nikolic N, Chevalet C. Pourquoi les populations de saumon de l’Atlantique (Salmo salar) diminuent t’elles en Europe? 8ème Séminaire des Thésards INRA Limoges. May 2006.
– Nikolic N, Smith N, Hastings D. Bioaccumulation of metals in the tissues of the Asian Green mussels (Perna viridis) in Tampa Bay. Eckerd Seminar (USA). May 2004.